School of Worshiping God
Degree in Worshiping God (30 credits)
The School of Worshiping God aims to deepen students’ understanding and practice of biblical worship. Each course explores different aspects of worship—personal, corporate, lifestyle, and spiritual disciplines—emphasizing heart alignment and obedience to God. Each 10-week course includes reading, assignments, practical applications, and a final project.


WOR001: Foundations of Biblical Worship (3 credits)
Explore the theology and biblical framework of worship, emphasizing how God desires His people to worship Him in spirit and truth. Gain a foundational understanding of worship through scriptural insights and practical reflection.

WOR002: Worship as a Lifestyle (3 credits)
Learn how worship extends beyond church gatherings and into daily life. This course emphasizes integrating worship into everyday routines and activities.

WOR003: The Heart of a Worshiper (3 credits)
Focus on the heart posture, humility, and obedience required in true worship. Explore personal renewal through weekly confession and repentance as a form of worship.

WOR004: Worship Through Music and the Arts (3 credits)
Understand the role of music, creativity, and arts in biblical worship. Engage in creative worship activities that honor God through artistic expression.

WOR005: Corporate Worship and the Church (3 credits)
Examine the role of corporate worship within the church community. Learn to design and lead effective worship gatherings that foster fellowship.

WOR006: Worship and Spiritual Warfare (3 credits)
Study how worship serves as a weapon in spiritual warfare. Develop personal and group worship strategies that align with scriptural examples of victory through worship.

WOR007: Worship in the Psalms (3 credits)
Explore the Psalms as a model for both personal and corporate worship. Create a personal prayer and worship journal inspired by the Psalms.

WOR008: Worship and Obedience (3 credits)
Discover the connection between worship and obedience to God’s will. Develop a spiritual growth plan that emphasizes obedience as an act of worship.

WOR009: Worship and Prayer (3 credits)
Explore the relationship between worship and prayer, emphasizing how worshipful prayer transforms spiritual intimacy. Design a worship-based prayer service.

WOR010: A Life of Worship in Eternity (3 credits)
Reflect on the eternal nature of worship and its representation of God's kingdom. Cultivate an eternal perspective of worship through creative expression and reflection.