School of Christian Counseling
Degree in Christian Counseling (30 credits)
This 10-course program equips students with biblical, psychological, and practical tools for counseling within a Christian framework. Each course is 10 weeks long and includes required reading, assignments, practical applications, and a final project that integrates theory and practice.


COUN001: Foundations of Christian Counseling (3 credits)
Introduction to biblical counseling, key theories, and theological perspectives. Write a personal counseling philosophy integrating biblical frameworks.

COUN002: Biblical Counseling and Theology (3 credits)
Explore how theology informs counseling approaches. Create a biblical model for addressing a specific theological issue in counseling.

COUN003: Psychology and Christian Counseling (3 credits)
Examine the relationship between psychology and Christian faith. Develop a counseling model synthesizing psychology and Scripture.

COUN004: Marriage and Family Counseling (3 credits)
Study dynamics of marriage and family from a biblical perspective. Create a family intervention strategy for counseling contexts.

COUN005: Counseling Adolescents and Children (3 credits)
Explore developmental psychology for youth counseling. Design a counseling program for a children’s ministry.

COUN006: Addiction and Recovery Counseling (3 credits)
Learn strategies for counseling those struggling with addiction. Create a biblical recovery curriculum for addiction ministry.

COUN007: Trauma and Crisis Counseling (3 credits)
Equip students to counsel trauma survivors and crisis situations. Develop a trauma-informed care plan for ministry settings.

COUN008: Mental Health and Counseling (3 credits)
Focus on mental health issues within a Christian framework. Present a mental health intervention strategy for church contexts.

COUN009: Ethics in Christian Counseling (3 credits)
Study ethical guidelines and dilemmas in counseling. Develop an ethical framework for counseling within a ministry.

COUN010: Internship and Capstone Project (3 credits)
Complete a 10-week counseling internship, applying skills in real-world settings. Submit a comprehensive case report reflecting personal growth and program integration.