School of Biblical Law
Degree in Biblical Law (30 credits)
This 10-course program offers leaders a comprehensive study of biblical law, focusing on the laws of the Old Testament, their theological implications, and relevance for Christian living today. Students will explore topics such as covenant law, justice, ethics, and the relationship between divine law and civil governance. Assignments will encourage practical reflection on how biblical principles can shape personal conduct, leadership, and societal structures.


LAW001: Introduction to Biblical Law (3 credits)
Overview of biblical law's purpose and categories. Prepare a presentation comparing covenant law in ancient Israel with modern legal systems.

LAW002: The Covenant and Mosaic Law (3 credits)
Study covenantal theology and the role of Mosaic law. Create a chart summarizing moral, ceremonial, and civil laws.

LAW003: Justice and Mercy in Biblical Law (3 credits)
Explore balancing justice and mercy in Old Testament laws. Analyze a case study of restorative justice from Leviticus 19.

LAW004: The Role of the Law in the New Testament (3 credits)
Understand Christ's fulfillment of the law and its ethical implications. Lead a discussion on Paul's view of the law for Christians.

LAW005: Sabbath Laws and Principles for Rest (3 credits)
Study the theology of rest and its practical applications. Develop a weekly schedule incorporating Sabbath principles.

LAW006: Holiness and Purity Laws (3 credits)
Examine ceremonial laws and their significance for God's people. Present how the principle of holiness applies in leadership today.

LAW007: Laws Concerning the Poor and Vulnerable (3 credits)
Address the biblical mandate for justice and care for the marginalized. Design a ministry initiative addressing the needs of a vulnerable population.

LAW008: Civil Governance and Biblical Law (3 credits)
Explore the role of law in governance and leadership. Debate the relevance of Romans 13 for Christian leaders today.

LAW009: Ethics and Integrity in Leadership (3 credits)
Focus on biblical principles for ethical leadership. Develop a personal code of ethics based on biblical principles.

LAW010: Love and Law in the Christian Life (3 credits)
Integrate love and law in personal and communal life. Present a summary of how love fulfills the law in Christian living.