As a distance learning institution, we encourage students to use business and public libraries, as well as on-line resources for their academic research projects. We have designed courses in Library Research Methods to teach students about the current methodologies utilized to access library resources. Students can also use the online resources provided through this website.
Explore our libraryLibrary Resources
Some business libraries charge an annual fee to authorize access to their resources. FTU will subsidize payments you make up to $25 annually for the library card at your local business library. To credit the reimbursement to your account, send the photocopy of your library card, front and back, and the receipt to the Resource Specialist. Our Resource Specialist will notify the Accounting Office for reimbursement.
Questia provides 24/7 access from home, office, or anyplace with an internet connection. Your membership facilitates access to nearly 75,000 full-text books and millions of journal, magazine, and newspaper articles. Questia provides powerful research tools for quoting and citing, highlighting text, storing notes, and automatically creating bibliographies. As a student member you will also have access to the services of a library resource specialist at Questia. To access the Questia Gateway for establishing your membership you may contact FTU.